Monday, January 31, 2011

Response to Brainwashed

^Link to Brainwashed, by Seth Godin^

Layer #1, Acknowledging the Lizard, spoke about how nobody likes to get laughed at - that the anger it causes "shuts down our art". We need to realize when this "resistance" (the little voice in our head that keeps us brainwashed) is barricading us from our creative selves, and to break it down. That we need to know that lizard-brain, the one that keeps us in line to do what we're told, is there so that we can ignore it, and get past it to what we want to do, are suppose to do.

Layer #2, Fail, was about that we cannot invent without failing - that we need to have the ability to fall and pick ourselves back up to re-invent. We need to take risks, so that one of those risks pays-off; and even if it doesn't, we can learn from it, and know that failure isn't the end. We need to change, and failing helps that for the better.

I did find this assignment useful: I like to preform stand-up comedy, therefore I make people laugh. However, I am not used to being laughed at, or disciplined for that matter. It was inspiring to read Acknowledging the Lizard because I realized that I may get laughed at someday for my work, but that I just need to persevere and ignore the jeers to get to the cheer, and be successful, yet appreciative. Then, in Fail, I found that I am not alone in the fear of it. I have always been timid in creating my thoughts because of failure; yet in this section, I read that failure is now a demand, because it makes you that much stronger. You cannot create a masterpiece with the first stroke - you need to fail so that you can learn. And in video production, I may not get the best role in the film, or present the best idea - but that shouldn't stop me from pushing to get a higher position, or to stop expressing my thought and ideas.

This was a great article, and I would suggest others read it.

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